- Managing and representing the Department
- Coordinating activities with other departments and government authorities, organisations and institutions within own mandate
- Responsible for annual operational planning, monitoring and reporting on the work of the Department
- Managing the process of strategic planning of the development of the municipality
- Planning, coordinating, monitoring and implementing activities of local economic development, in cooperation with the mayor and other departments in the municipal administration,
- Coordinating activities related to the improvement of conditions for business operations of private sector and promotion of the municipality as business-friendly environment,
- Ensuring continuity in the cooperation and support to local SMEs and entrepreneurs,
- Promoting public-private dialogue, establishing partnership and maintaining regular communication and coordination among the mayor, municipal administration and important stakeholders (private sector, chambers of commerce, business associations, international organisations, professional and sectoral associations, educational institutions, etc.) and coordinating activities related to public-private dialogue towards higher levels of authority and taking care of the implementation of private sector’s initiatives,
- Following the activities of working with investors to ensure their smooth development and avoid unnecessary delays in order to encourage local economic development
- Managing the Section and coordinating all tasks related to development management,
- Undertaking all necessary activities in achieving the functions of development management on a daily basis and in direct coordination with the head of Department,
- Planning, coordinating, monitoring and implementing activities of local economic development, in cooperation with the head of Department (regular update of database on economic development, improvement of conditions for doing business, support to SMEs and entrepreneurs, attracting investments, implementation of LED projects),
- Coordinating the collection of economic data, analysing economic sectors and preparing economic profile of the municipality,
- Coordinating cooperation with private sector, examining and analysing the needs of small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs,
- Proposing possible improvement of business environment on the basis of opinions, positions and needs of business sector, as well as the satisfaction of traders with utility services and the situation regarding utility and other infrastructure,
- Coordinating and directing public-private dialogue, preparing sessions of the Economic Council, drafting minutes and reports,
- Collecting and formulating initiatives of private sector for the improvement of conditions for doing business and improvement of competitiveness of SMEs and acting upon them or referring them to relevant important stakeholders for further elaboration and implementation,
- Maintaining regular contacts and visiting local SMEs and entrepreneurs in order to establish the situation of local economy and their specific needs,
- Maintaining sectoral meetings and collecting information on the situation in the economy and sectors with development potentials,
- Organising B2B forums, thematic meetings, round tables and other forms of public-private dialogue,
- Encouraging and supporting association of SMEs and entrepreneurs,
- Regularly informing the public and permanently improving partnership between the public and private sectors,
- Exploring options for the establishment and development of public-private partnerships,
- Proposing analysis-based measures for the improvement of business infrastructure and location requirements for investments, as well as incentive packages and guidelines for investing in sectors with development potentials,
- Collecting and regularly updating information on investment potentials of the municipality and sectoral possibilities, and coordinating identification of business possibilities for the investment and collecting information on business environment in the RS and BiH,
- Creating and maintaining, in cooperation with a professional, a functional database and connecting it with other relevant departments,
- Ensuring promotion of investment potentials of the municipality on the website of the municipality, in the investment guide, on fairs, presentations, direct encounters with potential investors and existing companies, business delegations and other interested parties and through targeted sectoral presentations for targeted potential investors,
- Coordinating systematic servicing of potential investors from processing the first enquiry, through assistance in identifying investment locations, assisting in obtaining construction permits and other permits under the competence of the municipality, which are necessary for implementing the investment, and providing other information to investors according to their needs.
- Implementing post-investment support to current companies through the implementation of activities on advancing business environment, visiting companies, solving problems companies encounter in doing business, which are under the competence of municipal administration, and referring problems to higher levels of authority if they are under their competence,
- Drafting the proposal of a document (conclusion/decision/procedural decision) granting the start of the implementation of a project referred to in the Strategy and coordinating the implementation of projects referred to in the Strategy,
- Daily monitoring of and collecting information on potential and available funds (published calls) and requirements for funding projects referred to in the Strategy (banks, international institutions, loans/donations; support programmes (e.g. SMEs), funding from higher levels of authority; exchange of experience; best practice examples and information which are then disseminated to all stakeholders who may found them useful,
- Preparing analyses, drafting periodic and annual reports on the implementation of the Strategy and proposing measures for the improvement (involvement of additional necessary departments/executives, simplification of certain procedures, initiatives for amending legislation with negative impact on local development, etc.), and/or updating the Strategy
Independent expert associate for development, entrepreneurship, tourism, analysis and statistics
- Collecting macroeconomic data and data on SMEs, analysing the sector and preparing the economic profile of the municipality,
- Cooperating with private sector, business representatives and international organisations which support private sector, non-governmental organisations and other associations,
- Carrying our annual survey in order to examine opinions, positions and needs of business sector, as well as their satisfaction with utility services and the situation regarding utility and other infrastructure,
- Maintaining regular contacts and visiting local SMEs and entrepreneurs,
- Collecting private sector’s initiatives, defining and regularly improving support packages for SMEs, entrepreneurs and potential investors,
- Assistance to private entities in being provided with services and exercising their rights in a faster and more efficient manner,
- Providing professional support and advice to SMEs and entrepreneurs in the start-up process, maintaining their business, further growth and development,
- Collecting and regularly updating information on investment potentials of the municipality and analysing sectoral potentials, identifying business opportunities for investment and collecting information on business environment in the RS and BiH,
- Maintaining and regularly updating database on brownfield and greenfield locations for investment, including their legal and property status, situation regarding utility infrastructure and costs of business,
- Proposing plan of promoting investment potentials of the municipality on the website of the municipality in the investment guide, on fairs, presentations, direct encounters with potential investors and existing companies, business delegations and other interested parties and through sectoral presentations for targeted potential investments,
- Implementing systematic servicing of potential investors from the first enquiry, through assistance in identifying investment locations, assisting in obtaining construction permits and other permits under the competence of the municipality, which are necessary for implementing the investment, and providing other information to investors according to their needs,
- Proposing the implementation of post-investment support to current companies through the implementation of activities on advancing business environment, visiting companies, solving problems companies encounter in doing business, which are under the competence of municipal administration, and referring problems to higher levels of authority if they are under their competence,
- Cooperating with governmental authorities, organisations and institutions in the area of economy and private entrepreneurship,
- Participating in planning and implementing plans and programmes, and initiating measures for improving the situation in the area of economy and private entrepreneurship,
- Preparing information, analysis and reports on the situation regarding the economy in the territory of the municipality,
- Preparing annual plans of support to investors and drafting reports to the mayor on the implementation of the Investor Support Plan,
- Regular maintaining of records on potential investors and post-investment support to current companies and working on eliminating obstacles companies encounter in their business,
- Participating in activities related to the implementation of individual projects / programmes referred to in the Strategy, preparing information in the field of statistics.
Independent expert associate for administrative and legal matters
- Following the regulations in the respective field of competence;
- Conducting administrative procedure in cases related to start-up;
- Changing data and termination of activity of sole proprietors;
- Conducting administrative procedure in cases related to authorisations;
- For carrying out public transportation and transport for own needs;
- Conducting administrative procedure in cases related to licences for taxi operators and taxi vehicles;
- Conducting administrative procedure in cases related to granting temporary cessation of activity, Issuing certificates of the facts whereof official records are maintained, Conducting administrative procedure in cases of granting consent for live music performances and extended opening hours in catering establishments;
- Conducting administrative procedure in cases related to exemption from utility fee;
- Implementing all project activities of Regulatory Reform (tasks aimed at reform of administrative procedures and establishing Registry of Administrative Procedures);
- Responsible for applying control procedures prescribed for the scope of the work;
- Actively participating in advancing the quality management system ISO 9001-2008;
- Actively participating in supplementing and updating current content of the website of the municipality.