Economy profile - Prnjavor 2020
In 2020, the municipality of Prnjavor has 920 economic entities, of which 238 are legal entities with a final report submitted to APIF for 2020, and 682 are entrepreneurs.
The micro structure of enterprises is dominant with 74.8% of the total number of registered economic entities in Prnjavor.
The municipality of Prnjavor is one of the leaders in the region in terms of product exports.
Looking at the period from 2016-2020. year, the export of the municipality of Prnjavor is constantly increasing. The municipality of Prnjavor is among the four municipalities in the Banja Luka region when it comes to exports. The export of the municipality of Prnjavor is placed on the foreign market, whether it is the export of goods or the export of services.
- The main export sectors are still: wood processing, metal processing and the food sector.
Business entities from Prnjavor export to 41 countries around the world.
60% of exports from Prnjavor are exported to EU countries.
The countries to which most were exported in 2020 were: Serbia, Germany, UNMIK, Italy, Austria, Croatia and the Czech Republic.
Prnjavor continues investing in sectors with development potential and long tradition: metal processing, wood processing, food industry, construction sector, commerce. Since 2015, the number of the unemployed constantly decreases and number of the employed increases.