Informing and reporting to current and potential entrepreneurs via a website intended for traders on different issues pertaining to:
- Procedure of registering entrepreneurs;
- Steps in start-up and establishing business and informing interested individuals about procedure for registration of entrepreneurs;
- Information on national and international programmes for the support to entrepreneurship and innovative activities;
- Available domestic and foreign sources of funding (competitions for grants, access to RS funds, possibilities for the participation in international donor projects, development credits of international financial institutions, etc.);
- Publishing news in the field of legislation – comments and interpretation of new laws, regulations and decrees, as well as amendments to current legislation and providing specific interpretation, upon request;
- Informing entrepreneurs with obligations and expected costs of business, taxes, charges and fees;
- Conditions for the placement of goods and services to foreign market;
- Procedures of the protection of intellectual property rights;
- Popular production standards and quality standards;
- Referral to specialized service providers;
- Publishing information on required workforce and employment opportunities;
- Publishing information on available business space and available locations for investment;
- Address book/contact details of organisations that provide entrepreneurs with professional support (e.g. in developing business plans), banks, real estate agencies, public notaries, law offices, etc.
- Publishing best practice examples and positive experience in starting up a business, innovative activity, within the country and abroad.
Consulting and advisory activities are classified into the following target groups:
- Potential entrepreneurs or individuals planning to start their business in the form of a registered entrepreneurial activity;
- Current entrepreneurs registered in the territory of the City of Prnjavor who encounter difficulties in their business and need support in maintaining their business and
- Current entrepreneurs registered in the territory of the City of Prnjavor who wish to expand their business by introducing new products and services, production standards and quality standards, expanding the market of purchases, new jobs, new machines and equipment, reskilling and upskilling of workforce, etc.
Micro enterprises and entrepreneurs tending to grow fast and expand their business are the biggest generator of the development of local community. This group particularly includes companies and entrepreneurs with export potential, in need of winning new markets at local level and abroad. In order to achieve this they must be highly competitive, which includes internationalisation of market; innovative, competitive products (improvement of quality of current products and expanding assortment of services and products); visibility/branding of products and services; strong marketing capacity for better positioning in the market; introducing new technologies; possession of adequate international standards and certificates; highly professional and competent workforce; high degree of innovation and harmonisation of supply and demand.
Non-monetary support to entrepreneurs in this group includes:
- Identifying successful entrepreneurs and their development plans through annual surveys and organising sectoral meetings;
- Mayor’s visits to successful entrepreneurs to identify specific needs;
- Carrying out sectoral analyses annually;
- Drafting reports on results of analyses with proposals for support and promoting successful entrepreneurs – for the Economic Council;
- Support in identifying proper workforce, in cooperation with the Employment Service;
- Assistance in identifying location for physical expansion of business;
- Considering options for subsidies or exemption from fees and charges;
- Mediating in faster obtaining of construction and other permits;
- Support in identifying business partners and connecting with potential partners at the local level and abroad;
- Support in filling in application forms for allocation of funds for placement of new products, purchase of machines and equipment, introducing production standards and certificates, quality standards, etc. (within the Programme of support to agriculture of the City of Prnjavor, from the RS or donor funds);
- Encouraging social and corporative accountability with entrepreneurs;
- Organising practical training for students at successful entrepreneurs;
- Educational activities in the field of marketing and management.
- Support in possible change of registration of business from entrepreneur to a limited liability company due to growth of business.
Expected result of this kind of support is the increase in the number of entrepreneurs who invested in equipment, new technologies, standards and certificates, development of workforce, etc.
The City of Prnjavor and Section for the Development and Entrepreneurship will promote local economy through traders and entrepreneurs’ success stories, organising and taking part in promotional activities related to the promotion of entrepreneurship in partnership with other organisations and institutions.
Activities to be supported within this Programme include:
- Promoting entrepreneurship on the website of the city;
- Mediating in media coverage of the key events of entrepreneurs;
- Presenting successful entrepreneurs on the website (e.g. “entrepreneur of the month”);
- Publishing stories on successful ventures of entrepreneurs on the website of the city intended for the economy;
- Promoting entrepreneurs at local, national and international fairs;
- Promoting women entrepreneurship through organising media events and on the website of the city intended for the economy;
- Cooperation with secondary schools in order to promote youth entrepreneurship;
- Organising visits by students of secondary schools and young unemployed persons to successful companies.
Expected result of these activities is better visibility and positioning of entrepreneurs doing business in the territory of the City of Prnjavor in domestic and international markets.
The Section for the Development and Entrepreneurship encourages communication, cooperation and partnership among SMEs and entrepreneurs and establishing contacts and cooperation with relevant institutions, partners and potential sources of funding.
Therefore, the City of Prnjavor will support activities such as:
- Improving cooperation with associations of entrepreneurs of Prnjavor through the activities of the Economic Council, during Open Days for entrepreneurs and through other forms of support considered necessary;
- Improving cooperation with associations of entrepreneurs and professional associations, through meetings with representatives of associations, organising sectoral meetings, proposing initiatives at meetings of the Economic Council or during Open Days for entrepreneurs;
- Promoting current association and encouraging new association on the website of the City of Prnjavor intended for the economy;
- Connecting with private partners and potential investors and other sources of funding;
- Mediating in establishing contacts with representatives of relevant institutions at the level of the RS (e.g. through hosting their representatives at the Open Days);
- Negotiations with banks for the purpose of offering better conditions for funding entrepreneurs.
Expected result of this activity is the increase in the number of initiatives for the improvement of competitiveness of entrepreneurs and improvement of business environment, and established partnerships and associations of entrepreneurs.